lunes, 27 de abril de 2020


Hello children, how are you? I hope you are all fine, staying at home and washing your hands every now and then. 

Hola chicos, ¡cómo están? Espero que todos se encuentren muy bien. 

This time, I would like you to draw the part of the house in which you prefer to be and what things you like to do there. 

For example: if your favourite place is the kitchen, and you like cooking there, draw it. Or if you like reading in your bedroom, or playing with a brother or sister in the living room

Esta vez la propuesta es que dibujen el lugar de su casa en el que más les gusta estar. También les pido que se dibujen haciendo lo que más les gusta hacer ahí.

Por ej: si su lugar preferido es la cocina, y a ustedes les gusta cocinar, dibújenlo. O si lo que más les gusta es leer un cuento en su habitación, o jugar con algún hermano en el living. 

I will be expecting your comments, I really like to know we are working together and we are in touch despite this lockdown. 

Estaré esperando sus comentarios. Me pone muy contenta saber que seguimos trabajando y comunicándonos a pesar de la distancia. 

I miss you a lot! 

Los quiero mucho y extraño,

                             Miss   Isa 

18 comentarios:

  1. Buen dia Isa. Jazmin le gusta el patio jugar con los perros y amacarse . Saludito

  2. hola seño buenos dias...el lugar donde a mi me gusta estar es en mi tiendita que tengo en la cocina, me gusta jugar con mi vaquita y las muñecas que tengo adentro y mis otros juguetes..

  3. Hello Jazmín. How are you. I’m very happy to know you can play in the backyard with your dogs. How many dogs have you got? And you have a swing! That’s wonderful.
    Thank you so much for writing a comment. I love to read them. Take care. Kisses

  4. Hello Ashley, how are you? It’s so nice to read your comment. Thank you for writing.
    You must like that tent in the kitchen where you can play with your dolls! I’d like to have one, it’s great!
    Tell me about your cow, is it very big? What’s her name.

  5. Hola seño mí lugar favorito es mí Cuarto ay me gusta jugar , cantar , dibujar .. . Saludos y besos soy Ema peralta

    1. Hello Ema. How are you? How is your family? Thank you so much for writing. It’s so nice to hear from you and that you like singing, drawing and playing in your bedroom. Do you play with Andrea?
      Take care, kisses

  6. Ezequiel Ortiz Valverde27 de abril de 2020, 16:52

    Hello Miss Isa! My favorite place of the house is the kitchen, because there all the family gathers to eat and talk about eachother`s day. I really enjoy spending time with my folks and brothers.

    1. Hello Ezequiel. How are you. You are very, very lucky to have a wonderful family and that you enjoy talking about your activities and things you did during the day.
      Thank you for writing and keep on talking in family. It’s a treasure. Send my greetings to your folks.

  7. Hello Miss Isa, The place I enjoy the most is the living room, there I play with my toys, I also build houses, planes, with my legos and wooden bricks

    1. Hello Luis. How are you. I guess you are a wonderful house builder.I’m so glad you have a favourite place in your house where you play and enjoy. Thank you for writing. Take care. Kisses

  8. Hello Miss Isa! Mi lugar favorito es mi pieza llena de colores y donde juego con mi tren y mis aviones!

  9. Hello Benjamin. How are you? I can imagine your beautiful bedroom, full of toys and colours. If you want to draw, I would love to see a drawing of your train. Thank you for writing. Take care. Kisses

  10. Hola miss!! Soy Agustín a mi me gusta jugar en el patio,en la casita de cartón que me hizo mi papá..

    1. Hello Agustin, how are you? How amazing having a backyard with the house your father built for you! I’d love to see your drawing of that. Thank you for writing. Take care and keep on playing with your house. Kisses

  11. Hello Miss!! A mi me gusta cocinar galletas en la cocina con mamá. Kisses

  12. Hi Emma. How are you? Thank you again for the comment. Your mum must be a great cook and it’s nice to know that you can share wonderful time together in the kitchen.
    Take care. Kisses

  13. Hola seño ,soy mati vera ami me gusta gusta jugar en mi pieza ,hay tengo todos los juguetes ,también puedo mirar la tele y leer un cuento.

  14. Hello Mati, how are you? Thank you for writing your comment. I love to know from you and to read that you like playing with your toys and read stories in your bedroom.
    Take care, I miss you a lot. Kisses
